Monday, November 18, 2013

Back On The Bandwagon!!

I've been pretty much off of the health and fitness track for the last three weeks.  I got thrown off that first week and didn't have the inclination to get back on the horse.  Yes, I continued to work out several days a week but not nearly as often as I had been.  And no, I absolutely did not watch what I ate.... at all.  I completely forgot to weigh myself two weeks ago and I refuse to weigh myself until next week Monday when I am off of all my steriods.  I got bit by something while hiking last week and I can feel the water gain; my rings are tight and my socks make marks.  So I will weigh myself on Monday and that will be the true weight gain.  Yes, I know I gained a few pounds but I want the true gain and not the steroid induced water that goes with the meds.

In the meantime, I have jumped back into my workout routine today and plan on getting back to working out 4-5 days per week instead of 2-3.  I also plan on revamping my workouts to include weight bearing exercises (Kim, aren't you proud of me?) as well as at least one yoga a week if I can make the yoga schedule work.  I won't be doing hard core yoga but the restorative yoga that helps flexibility and heals my back after my other work outs.  I've been finding that regular yoga has been playing havoc on my back so am switching it.  Then I still plan on doing 3 cardios per week as well.

My eating program is currently in transition to back to healthy.  I have alot of leftovers from last week that needs to go so am mixing the not so great foods from last week with the healthy stuff for this week.  Then next grocery shopping, the health and fitness foods come back into the house!  Woo Hoo!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

5 days and counting

I have worked out 5 days in a row!!!  (ok, minus the weekend)  I am working out during my lunch.  I think I mentioned that already to you.  Its working great schedule wise.  I still have energy and I get to leave on time and spend my full evening with my babies!!!  This also allows me to come home and cook dinner.  I'm walking the treadmill right now, at a very brisk pace and have even ran for a minute or two each time.  This is a HUGE accomplishment for me!

YAY healthy!!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

A family affair

Ok, so my son informed he is completely set on playing football come spring.  And I'm not talking flag football.  Nope he wants tackle football.  What happen to baseball??????  There's hardly any contact there.  But ok, I've always told him that he can play whatever sport he wants.  So now is the time to start getting him in shape ~ running that is.  And he's ALL for it.  We went to our fitness center and he was on the treadmill and the bike for 30 minutes.  He even asked me if I go in the mornings because he would be willing to go to bed 15 minutes earlier so he can get up earlier to hit the treadmill.  I'm going to take advantage of this interest he has for as long as I can.  I've got a workout partner and he's helping to keep me going.  Not bad for a 9, almost 10 year old.   Love my little guy.

Oh and he's completely forgotten about his Halloween candy.  What's left will go to the trash later this week.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Just a quick pop in to let you know I am still here!!!  It seems I just cannot find the time to sit at the computer and keep you all up to date.  with my 17 month and 6 month old children, by the time I get them to bed, clean the house and get it ready for the nanny and get myself ready for work, I'm ready for bed! 

I have been cooking way more at home so less fast food and its been GREAT!  Trying to make more than enough so we have leftovers for lunches or those nights that I just don't have time to cook, we can heat them up. This has been lifesaver!

Keep up the good work ladies!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Talk about a rough week

Is anyone familiar with the b.r.a.t. diet?  It stands for banana, rice, applesauce and toast and is given to kids when they have digestive issues or people who have Crohn's disease or IBS or IBD when they are having flare ups.  It is the most boring food regime one can on and I've been living it since last Thursday.  The upside is I dropped a pound.  :-)

So I have come to realize that certain foods are just never meant to cross my lips again.  Bye bye oatmeal, diary and sadly most grains.  I WILL get back to eating fun foods again it's just going to take some time and patience.  

Up again but I'm OK with it (for today). :)

I am up again this week.  I gained 1.2 pounds but at this point, I am just beyond caring.  I'm trying to eat healthy, I work out regularly and I still can't lose weight.  Oh well.  I'm just going to continue to focus on doing the right things and hope that eventually the weight will come off.

I am feeling pretty good this morning.  While I didn't run the whole 5k like I wanted to, I finished strong and did run the majority of it (darn that hill).  There is another 5k here in Gilbert in a few weeks that we are going to run and I will again try to run the whole way.  I had a great week last week, had great family time this weekend, and will be having a very busy but fun week at work.  I'm having a 2 day onsite meeting with all my team and I am very excited about finally getting my team together from all across the country!

I hope everyone has a great week this week!


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Its tough

I know its tough to find the time to be healthy.  Its easier to eat the fast food, skip the run on the treadmill and slam the extra cup of coffee instead of water.  I'm the queen of trying to make my life easier.  With a 16 month and 5 month at home along with a new job and new job on top of the new job and I also sing in a chorus on Monday nights and a Quartet on Wednesdays...yeah, I'm looking for easy.  BUT then I think, is this what I would feed my children?  NO...why?  Because I want them to be healthy and learn healthy habits and live long healthy lives.  SO...WHY am I not practicing what I preach?  Don't I want to be around to see my babies grow into wonderful beautiful human beings, don't I want to grow old with my husband and see our grandchild play???  Of course - so I need to start at home.  I need to make changes in my every day life.  I need to find a way to eat healthy but quickly sometimes.  We have decided that those days, instead of fast food days, will be salad days! 

One step closer to healthy :-)